Virtual CLE offered by the Mecklenburg County Public Defender’s Office. Presenter: Dr. Christena Roberts
Death Investigation
Messages show fired Rowan medical examiner didn’t think hole in man’s head was bullet wound
Federal judge overturns Rodriguez death sentence, orders new penalty phase of trial
The effect of contextual information on decision-making in forensic toxicology
This study investigates the effects of contextual information on forensic toxicology testing and analysis. By Hilary J. Hamlett & Itiel E. Dror
The effect of contextual information on decision-making in forensic toxicologyRead More
The Police Called It An Accident. She Went to 1-800-Autopsy.
Human Factors in Forensic Science Webinar
Live webinar presented by Jeff Kukucka, Ph.D.June 3, 2021, 1:00 pm60 min of CLE credit anticipated Dr. Jeff Kukucka will present on how social and cognitive biases influence criminal investigations and trials, and how use of psychology can improve the justice system. His presentation will cover recent research on the role that potentially biasing information …
Chauvin trial aftermath: Dr. David Fowler and the case of the incredible expert
‘Excited Delirium’: The Medical Debate Lurking Behind Chauvin Trial
With George Floyd, a Raging Debate Over Bias in the Science of Death
Another Week Of Testimony Ends At Derek Chauvin’s Trial
Prosecutor, medical examiner talks underscore complexity of Derek Chauvin case
George Floyd’s Cause of Death Is Crucial in Trial. Forensic Pathologists Explain.
EXPLAINER: Why would an expert witness go without pay?
Western NC Death Investigation Conference
The annual Western NC Death Investigation Conference will be presented via live webinar on April 10, 2021. The program is being offered by the Northwest AHEC. 6 hours of CLE credit is anticipated. Topics include expert witness testimony, investigation of death due to possible elder abuse or neglect, gunshot wound characteristics, identification and forensic aspects …
Seventh Annual Whiskey in the Courtroom: Evolving Trends in Forensic Science
Presented by the North Carolina Indigent Defense legal Services, Duke Law Center for Criminal Justice and Professional Responsibility, and the Duke Law Center for Science and Justice, the seventh annual Whiskey in the Courtroom will take place March 4th through 5th. This year the symposium will be hosted virtually through the Duke Law School. Each year, …
Seventh Annual Whiskey in the Courtroom: Evolving Trends in Forensic ScienceRead More