How Medical Examiners Shield Violent Cops From ScrutinyRead More
Death Investigation
Tennessee Man Is Released After Overturned Murder Conviction From Decades Ago
Western North Carolina Death Investigation Conference
Live full-day webinarApril 22, 2023Offered by Northwest Area Health Education Center (AHEC), a program of Wake Forest University School of Medicine Attorneys handling homicide cases who are looking to update their knowledge of forensic pathology should consider attending this excellent program that is offered annually. The training is geared toward medical examiners and forensic practitioners, …
Western North Carolina Death Investigation ConferenceRead More
2023 Western North Carolina Death Investigation Conference
Live full-day webinar
April 22, 2023
Offered by Northwest Area Health Education Center (AHEC), a program of Wake Forest University School of Medicine
2023 Western North Carolina Death Investigation ConferenceRead More
The “Magnificent Seven Errors” in Forensic Autopsy Practice: The Italian Context
This article provides a framework for identifying potential errors in death investigations. Attorneys should consider whether any of these are potential issues in their homicide cases. The types of errors identified are: oversights in autopsy technique, incorrect collection of photographic and video material, unauthorized attendance at the autopsy, missing/mistaken reporting at any stage of the …
The “Magnificent Seven Errors” in Forensic Autopsy Practice: The Italian ContextRead More
What happens when you donate your body to science
Failed Autopsies, False Arrests: A Risk of Bias in Death Examinations
He was charged with murdering his baby on the word of one coroner. Facing a life sentence, he sought a second opinion.
Western North Carolina Death Investigation Conference
Live full-day webinar offered by Wake Forest School of Medicine and Northwest AHEC
Western North Carolina Death Investigation ConferenceRead More
Cost and procedures for accessing autopsy information
Some common questions come up in homicide cases when a defense attorney needs to access information from the OCME and regional autopsy centers and speak with the forensic pathologist who performed the autopsy in the case. This post addresses some of these questions using information obtained from the four offices that perform autopsies for North …
Cost and procedures for accessing autopsy informationRead More
New England Seminar in Forensic Sciences
Week-long training program on death investigation.
Webinar – Diagnostically Difficult Autopsy Cases: Logistics, Ethics, and Case Examples
Live webinar presented by Dr. Gregory J. Davis, MD, FCAPDecember 2, 2021, 1:00 pm105 min of CLE credit anticipated The presentation considers the purposes of a forensic autopsy or case review, focusing on cases in which the original forensic pathologist/medical examiner or other expert made a non-evidence-based diagnosis without scientific foundation, thereby catalyzing criminal charges …
Webinar – Diagnostically Difficult Autopsy Cases: Logistics, Ethics, and Case ExamplesRead More
Opinion: Thousands of missed police killings prove we must address systemic bias in forensic science
Cook County Board Approves Rapid DNA System for Medical Examiner’s Office
Webinar – Diagnostically Difficult Autopsy Cases: Logistics, Ethics, and Case Examples
Free to attend webinar offered as part of the IDS Forensic Science Education Series. Speaker: Dr. Greg Davis
Webinar – Diagnostically Difficult Autopsy Cases: Logistics, Ethics, and Case ExamplesRead More