National Association of Medical Examiners. Drafted to improve uniformity in manner of death determinations for death certificates. View additional position papers and accreditation information on the NAME website.
Reports and Publications
Strategic Plan for Improving the Medical Examiner System
This 2001 report by the North Carolina Medical Examiner Study Group was requested by the legislature in part in response to a series of news articles that raised concerns about the quality of death investigation in North Carolina. The report provides information about the structure and responsiblities of the Medical Examiner system and makes a …
Strategic Plan for Improving the Medical Examiner SystemRead More
Strategic Plan for Improving the Medical Examiner System
2001 report by the North Carolina Medical Examiner Study Group was requested by the legislature in part in response to a series of news articles that raised concerns about the quality of death investigation in North Carolina. The report provides information about the structure and responsibilities of the Medical Examiner system and makes a number …
Strategic Plan for Improving the Medical Examiner SystemRead More
Digital Rectification and Resizing Correction of Photographic Bite Mark Evidence
FBI report on bite mark photographic distortion and corrective measures, using a description of methods used in the analysis of bite mark evidence from a 1973 homicide case that was prosecuted in 2000.
Digital Rectification and Resizing Correction of Photographic Bite Mark EvidenceRead More
Burn Injuries in Child Abuse
US DOJ publication that gives information used by law enforcement officers and medical professionals to distinguish intentional burns from accidental contact. It includes descriptions of injuries and interviewing questions.
Fatal pediatric head injuries caused by short-distance falls
by J. Plunkett. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2001 Mar 22(1):1-12.
Fatal pediatric head injuries caused by short-distance fallsRead More
Application of Low Copy Number DNA Profiling
Article by Peter Gill, Croatian Medical Journal (2001). Describes considerations that must be taken into account with Low Copy number (LCN) DNA, including allele dropout and the possibility of contamination. Low Copy number DNA analysis allows a DNA profile to be obtained from just a few cells.
Winek’s Drug & Chemical Blood-Level Data
Reference cited by the NC State Crime Laboratory. Provides the normal, therapeutic, toxic, and lethal blood level for various drugs and their metabolites.
A Fly for the Prosecution – How Insect Evidence Helps Solve Crimes
Review of book by M. Lee Goff that uses case studies to explain the process by which different species of bugs break down decomposing bodies.
A Fly for the Prosecution – How Insect Evidence Helps Solve CrimesRead More
Evaluating Physical Abuse in Children
Provides general information about how law enforcement officers and medical professionals evaluate whether an injury, including fractures and burns, was intentional or accidental. It was published in 2000 in the American Family Physician.
Eyewitness Evidence A Guide for Law Enforcement
1999 US DOJ guide developed by the Technical Working Group for Eyewitness Evidence. Law enforcement should be aware of these best practices.
The Voluntary Intoxication Defense
A 1993 memorandum by John Rubin, Professor of Public Law and Government at UNC School of Government on the voluntary intoxication defense, its history, elements of the defense, applicability to different offenses, and evidentiary issues.
The Diminished Capacity Defense
John Rubin, UNC School of Government (Sept. 1992). ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE MEMORANDUM No. 92/01. Discusses the nature of the diminished capacity defense as it is recognized in North Carolina, how the defense applies to various offenses, evidentiary problems that can arise when the defense is raised, the defendant’s burden of presenting evidence, the prosecution’s burden …
Criminal Law – Expert Testimony on Bite Marks
A law review article on State v. Temple, 302 N.C. 1 (1981) where the NC Supreme Court held that testimony regarding bite marks identification analysis is admissible as long as the trial court can verify the scientific methods used were accurate and reliable. Includes a summary of the case, background, and an analysis of the …