Thousands of DWI cases in Harris County thrown into question after blood vial recall
Thousands of Harris County drunk driving cases affected by blood vial recall
NC lawmakers see hemp as the state’s next big cash crop. But police are opposed.
North Carolina Advances Delayed Ban on Smokable Hemp
Hemp production, slowly gaining support, could hit road block
SOP418 U Compounds Quantification LC MS MS
OCME SOP U Compounds Quantification LC MS MS
N.J. wants more cops trained to spot stoned drivers; critics question science behind methods
Current Trends in Forensics & Forensic Toxicology
2nd Annual Online Symposium hosted by RTI and ForensicEd on May 13-17, 2019. This program offers information on best practices in forensic toxicology, drug analysis, and trace analysis such as sample preparation, method development, and forensic method validation. Presentations are geared toward forensic practitioners, but several of the sessions should be of interest to attorneys.
Philly DA’s Office won’t prosecute cannabis users for DUI unless they are actually stoned (PA)
Drug Testing in a Drug Court Environment: Common Issues to Address
Department of Justice article regarding issues raised by drug court programs regarding drug testing.
Drug Testing in a Drug Court Environment: Common Issues to AddressRead More
Forensic Toxicology Resources
Lists numerous websites, webinars, and other helpful online resources, prepared by Peter Stout, Ph.D., D-ABFT
NHTSA Training Manuals
The Washington State Patrol has posted the following manuals online: DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing, DRE, and Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE). These manuals are available for download.
National District Attorney Association Resources
This National District Attorney Association has these and other guides for prosecutors available on their website: Cross-Examination for Prosecutors The Drug Evaluation and Classification (DEC) Program Drug Toxicology for Prosecutors Hardcore Drunk Driving Prosecutorial Guide: A Resource Outlining Prosecutorial Challenges, Effective Strategies and Model Programs Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus—The Science and the Law: A Resource Guide …
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments
The CLIA program works to ensure quality laboratory testing in all clinical laboratories regulated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.