Critics of ShotSpotter gunfire detection system say it’s ineffective, biased and costlyRead More
Chicago will drop controversial ShotSpotter gunfire detection system
Judging Firearms Evidence
Ethics Opinion: The Field of Firearms Forensics is Flawed
Article: Scientific Guidelines for Evaluating the Validity of Forensic Feature-comparison Methods
Article: (Mis)use of Scientific Measurements in Forensic Science
The Emerging Field of Firearms Audio Forensics
Online Course: Exploiting Forensic Evidence’s Tenuous Link to Science
Offered by NAPD. Cost is $325 and scholarships are available through NAPD.
Online Course: Exploiting Forensic Evidence’s Tenuous Link to ScienceRead More
Limits Imposed on Ballistics Evidence by MD Supreme Court
The Maryland Supreme Court granted a new trial after deciding that a firearms examiner should not have been permitted to offer an unqualified opinion that the crime scene bullets were fired from the defendant’s gun. Specifically, the reports, studies, and testimony relied on by the examiner did not demonstrate that the firearms identification methodology employed …
Limits Imposed on Ballistics Evidence by MD Supreme CourtRead More
Judge orders new trial for Grand Junction man convicted in ’90s pipe bombings
Abruquah v. Maryland, 6/2/2023
The Maryland Supreme Court discusses studies completed after the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) report in 2016 which demonstrates the lack of repeatability of the method.