The National Institute of Justice has made available the following reports that address various techniques used in fire investigations. These reports may be useful to attorneys handling cases were arson is alleged. Each report attempts to document best practices for investigating specific aspects of fires. Forensic Investigation Techniques for Inspecting Electrical Conductors Involved in Fire …
Impression & Pattern Evidence Symposium – Online today!
The Impression & Pattern Evidence Symposium is taking place today through Thursday, August 9, 2012. The live program, sponsored by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Office of Justice Programs and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Laboratory Division, is being streamed online here. The agenda is available here. Topics include the latest developments and …
Impression & Pattern Evidence Symposium – Online today!Read More
Changes to requirements for remitting lab fees
HB 950 (S.L. 2012-142) adds requirements for remitting costs in criminal cases where a defendant is found guilty or pleads guilty or nolo contendere, including the $600.00 lab fee that is assessed where there has been DNA analysis, toxicology, or drug analysis performed at the State Crime Lab or a local crime lab. Previously, lab …
Measurement Science and Standards in Forensic Firearms Analysis Webcast – TODAY
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is presenting a two-day conference which will address the techniques used in firearm and toolmark comparisons, the standards for this discipline, and efforts to apply more objective and quantitative measurment based techniques to this type of analysis. This conference is being broadcast live online on July 10-11, …
Measurement Science and Standards in Forensic Firearms Analysis Webcast – TODAYRead More
Notice and demand procedures
Jessica Smith’s recent post, Don’t Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth, on the School of Government’s North Carolina Criminal Law blog reminded readers about the use notice and demand statutes in cases involving lab reports or chain of custody statements. Notice and demand statutes, in a nutshell, allow prosecutors to obtain a waiver of …
DNA for the Defense Bar
A fantastic new publication is available for criminal defense attorneys working on cases with DNA evidence. DNA for the Defense Bar was published by the National Institute of Justice in June 2012 and is available for free download here. Normally I don’t recommend printing out publications because I love trees, but this is one resource …
Digital Forensics for Attorneys
The UNC School of Government has posted a new on-demand virtual CLE entitled, Digital Forensics for Attorneys. Digital forensics expert Larry Daniel teaches this one-hour course which attorneys can view for free or purchase for $50 if CLE credit is needed. Daniel’s program provides an overview of digital forensic concepts, case examples, and relevant terminology. Attorneys …
The (Sorry) State of Forensics in the US [and perhaps the world]
Reposted from The Wrongful Convictions Blog by Phil Locke, Science and Technology Advisor, Ohio Innocence Project In 2009, The National Academies of Science of the United States published its Congressionally commissioned report: “Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States – A Path Forward.” Chapter 5 of the report presents a review of a number of …
The (Sorry) State of Forensics in the US [and perhaps the world]Read More
Greg Taylor and Darryl Hunt programs on April 12, 2012
Two programs featuring NC exonerees Greg Taylor and Darryl Hunt will be broadcast on April 12, 2012. The WRAL documentary, “6,149 Days” which premieres on April 12 at 8:00 pm recounts the flawed investigation that led to Greg Taylor’s conviction, Taylor’s 6,149 days in prison, and the fight to set him free. Steven D. Hammel, …
Greg Taylor and Darryl Hunt programs on April 12, 2012Read More
Mark your calendars: on April 17, 2012, FRONTLINE reports on serious flaws in forensic practices and inconsistencies in how forensic evidence is presented in the courtroom. The program will be broadcast on PBS stations and online. FRONTLINE investigates reliability of fingerprint analysis, ballistics, and bite mark analysis and evaluates the standards that govern these practices. …
New research on how vultures affect time of death determinations
Researchers at Texas State University’s forensic anthropology research facility, one of the country’s five “body farms,” have discovered that failure to take into account the role of vultures may have affected time of death calculations in homicide investigations. See press coverage here. The scientists observed a flock of vultures reduce a corpse that had been …
New research on how vultures affect time of death determinationsRead More
Sexual Assault and Medical Forensic Examination Resources
For attorneys with questions about the appropriate procedures for conducting a sexual assault examination or a medical forensic examination, there is a new resource available here. The page includes links to national protocols and standards of practice that have been developed by the Department of Justice and other professional organizations. Attorneys can access training on …
Sexual Assault and Medical Forensic Examination ResourcesRead More
Forensic Science Advisory Board appointed
Judge Joseph R. John, Director of the North Carolina State Crime Laboratory, announced today that members of the North Carolina Forensic Science Advisory Board have been appointed. This board was statutorily created by the Forensic Sciences Act of 2011 which was signed into law on March 31, 2011. The members of the board are: Mr. …
Improving Arson Investigations
Discover Magazine recently published two articles about how recent scientific investigation has challenged the traditional principles and methodology of fire investigation. Spark of Truth: Can Science Bring Justice to Arson Trials? explains how these developments have occurred and Seven Myths About Arson debunks seven fire scene findings that have been used in numerous cases as …
Two Bullets, One Gun?
By Alyson Grine, Defender Educator, UNC School of Government In State v. Britt, __ N.C. App. __, __ S.E.2d __ (Dec. 6, 2011) the North Carolina Court of Appeals addressed the admissibility of expert testimony regarding firearms and toolmark identification. The facts, in brief: Nancy Britt, a Wake County school teacher, was shot and killed …