Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 1:00PM
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Dr. Michelle Barrett, a forensic psychologist at Central Regional Hospital, presented this live webinar recently for the NC Conference of District Attorneys membership. NC Indigent Defense Services and Central Regional Hospital are now offering the program to NC criminal defense attorneys and criminal defense investigators so that we can understand the perspective of state’s experts who are performing forensic evaluations of our clients. We anticipate that the program will carry 1.0 hours of general CLE credit.
Description: Complete and accurate self-disclosure is a rarity, even in the uniquely supportive context of a psychotherapeutic relationship. Further, an individual who is accused of a crime, or is already incarcerated is less likely to provide truthful information when deception is more likely to result in some type of secondary gain. The following seminar aims to highlight the fundamentals of response styles in forensic patients, including nondisclosure, deception, and malingering. The seminar will focus on a variety of topics including assessing deception, assessment of false memories, detecting deception in sex offenders, and brief screening measures for the detection of feigned psychopathology. We will also review some of the challenges and advances in assessment of response style in forensic examination contexts.
Presenter: Dr. Michelle Barrett is a senior psychologist in the Forensic Services Unit at Central Regional Hospital, a State psychiatric facility in Butner, North Carolina.