Eyewitness procedure flawed in DeLuna murder case, lawmakers say (TX)Read More
Eyewitness ID
House OKs Bill Upgrading Rules For Police Lineups (CT)
Officers getting training on eyewitness ID policy (TX)
When Memory Commits an Injustice
Show explores Deborah Sykes murder and Darryl Hunt case
Police photo lineups challenged after series of wrongful convictions
Cops more forgetful after chases or altercations
Forgive, live, and let go
Eyewitness Evidence Needs No Special Cautions, Court Says
Did a ‘show-up’ lead to a mistaken ID?
Police Lineups Start to Face Fact: Eyes Can Lie
What Did They Really See?
In New Jersey, Rules are Changed on Witness IDs
To Prevent 0 IDs, Police Lineups Get Revamped
State v. Boozer, 210 N.C. App. 371 (2011)
NC Court of Appeals found the trial court properly denied the defendant’s motion to suppress asserting that an eyewitness’s pretrial identification was unduly suggestive and found no violation of the EIRA where the eyewitness identified the defendant by looking through the pages of The Slammer newspaper.