Cops Might Already Have Your DNA, Without Your ConsentRead More
Police Use DNA Phenotyping to Limit Pool of Suspects to 15,000
A Review of Legislation Associated with Lawfully-Owed DNA Samples
Convicted offender DNA sample collection laws vary in each state in terms of what type of offense obligates an offender to provide a sample, whether a conviction should be the trigger for sample collection, and which agency is responsible for collecting the sample. Because of this interstate variability, the effectiveness of DNA sample collection laws …
A Review of Legislation Associated with Lawfully-Owed DNA SamplesRead More
‘Mass Surveillance’: Police Are Using DNA to Create Digital Images of Suspects That Haven’t Been Identified
DNA is often used in solving crimes. But how does DNA profiling actually work?
Forensic lab staff stood down as thousands of Queensland DNA samples retested
Use of familial DNA in an investigation can be intrusive. But a middle ground is possible.
Police Used a Baby’s DNA to Investigate Its Father for a Crime
Her death remained a mystery for 46 years. Now, DNA evidence from a coffee cup at the airport led to an arrest
‘This is the best lab on the planet’: Mayor unveils first-ever DNA gun crime lab
Houston cases impacted by DNA analyst’s ‘false testimony’ grows
New York court halts family DNA searches for crime suspects
DNA Mixtures Webinar: Likelihood ratios and challenges to STRMix evidence
Live webinar presented by Dr. Maher “Max” Noureddine and Attorney Elizabeth Vasquez June 2, 2022, 12:30 pm 90 min of CLE credit anticipated Description:This presentation will provide in-depth information about likelihood ratios and probabilistic genotyping (PG) software used to interpret complex DNA mixtures. After a brief overview of the concepts of likelihood ratio and probabilistic …
DNA Mixtures Webinar: Likelihood ratios and challenges to STRMix evidenceRead More
DNA Mixtures Webinar: Likelihood ratios and challenges to STRMix evidence
Free-to-attend webinar presented by Dr. Max Noureddine and Attorney Elizabeth Vasquez, Sponsored by IDS
DNA Mixtures Webinar: Likelihood ratios and challenges to STRMix evidenceRead More