New Blood Analyzer Tells Human from Animal Samples on the SpotRead More
Blood and Bodily Fluids
Blood Forensics Puzzle Cracked via Fluid Mechanical Principles
Is there a test for saliva?
Attorneys have asked me whether labs test for saliva, particularly in sexual assault cases. Dr. Maher “Max” Noureddine wrote the Forensic Tests for Saliva: What you should know post for this blog in 2011. His informative post explains how forensic tests for saliva work, including limitations of these tests. He discusses the RSID-Saliva test which …
OSAC Registry Approved Standards
Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Evidence (OSAC) is developing documentary standards for each forensic discipline. Standards under consideration as well as approved standards are available in the OSAC Registry.
Forensics on Trial: America’s First Blood Test Expert
American Academy of Forensic Sciences Standards Board Documents
The AAFS Standards Board develops documentary standards for forensics through a consensus process, involving participation by all directly and materially affected persons. Standards are being developed for each forensic discipline. The standards that have been published are available on the ASB website.
American Academy of Forensic Sciences Standards Board DocumentsRead More
Donald “Doc” Nash and an expert Witness who Helped Convict him in 2009 in Habeas Corpus Trial
Four-year review of old forensic blood typing cases ends after no serious problems identified
A DNA Mix-Up Involving a Washing Machine Kept a Man in Jail for 3 Years
Upcoming Webinar Series: Serology, DNA and Probabilistic Genotyping Evidence
Please use this link to register for the series. Prior to the program, you will receive the link to connect to the webinar. If you have questions, please contact NC Indigent Defense Services and ForensiGen, LLC will offer a free-to-attend 3-part webinar series on serology, DNA, and probabilistic genotyping evidence. Dr. Max Noureddine will …
Upcoming Webinar Series: Serology, DNA and Probabilistic Genotyping EvidenceRead More
CSAFE 2020: Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
This presentation, now available to view for free, was given as a part of the Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence’s (CSAFE) 2020 All Hands Meeting. The meeting brings together researchers, forensic partners, and interested community members to discover potential areas for collaboration, highlight the organization’s achievements, and discuss goals for the future. …
State v. Corbett & Martens, 839 S.E.2d 361 (2019)
Expert Stuart James’s treatise on blood spatter said that suspected bloodstains should be subject to presumptive, confirmatory, and DNA testing before analysis of the spatter is conducted. The court held that blood spatter expert’s conclusions regarding untested stains on clothing did not result from reliable application of scientific methods and evidentiary errors were prejudicial.
Shoe Test Adds Strange Twist to Detroit Wrongful Conviction
Feature-based analysis of bloodstain patterns
The Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence (CSAFE) invites researchers, collaborators, and members of the broader forensics and statistics communities to participate in the September Center Wide Webinar on Tuesday, September 24th from 1-2 pm EST. There will be a short introduction from CSAFE center staff followed by the presentation “Feature-based analysis of bloodstain patterns” by Dr. …
Webinar: Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Essentials
This complimentary forensic science webinar is presented by Toby L. Wolson, retired criminalist and supervisor in the Forensic Biology Section of the Miami-Dade Police Department Forensic Services Bureau. The recorded webinar is available for on-demand viewing. This webinar will focus on: Overview of bloodstain pattern analysis and the science behind the discipline Expert training and …