Among the documents leaked by Edward J. Snowden to the Guardian in June 2013 was an April 2013 order by the FISA Court directing Verizon to provide the National Security Agency (NSA) records of “telephony metadata” for all foreign calls between the U.S. and other countries and all domestic calls within the U.S, including local …
Techniques for Collecting and Analyzing Fingerprints
Fingerprint evidence left behind by a suspect or victim may identify who was at a crime scene and what he or she touched. However, it is important for defense attorneys to know, and to inform the jury, that the techniques used to locate and identify fingerprints are far from a perfect science. An understanding of …
Techniques for Collecting and Analyzing FingerprintsRead More
Can Non-Testifying Defense Experts Be Subpoenaed by the State?
As defense attorneys prepare for trial they frequently reach out to experts to determine the strengths and weaknesses of their client’s case and to gain a better understanding of the evidence. In fact, proper preparation for a trial often demands that an attorney assemble information by speaking with experts in an effort to comprehend the …
Can Non-Testifying Defense Experts Be Subpoenaed by the State?Read More
Reports of Problems with Polygraph Test
A recent piece of investigative journalism by Marisa Taylor of McClatchy Newspapers has created even more skepticism about the already scientifically-questionable polygraph test. Although polygraph test results are not admissible as evidence in most U.S. courts, the results of a polygraph test play a major role in the police investigation, often times helping the police …