Annie Dookhan took the blame for the state drug lab scandal, but she wasn’t the ‘sole bad actor,’ new documents show February 13, 2023 // by Sarah OlsonAnnie Dookhan took the blame for the state drug lab scandal, but she wasn’t the ‘sole bad actor,’ new documents showRead More
State to repay thousands of defendants who were convicted based on evidence analyzed by disgraced chemists June 1, 2022 // by Sarah OlsonState to repay thousands of defendants who were convicted based on evidence analyzed by disgraced chemistsRead More
Suffolk District Attorney Rachael Rollins to drop charges, convictions in tens of thousands of cases tied to troubled state lab March 22, 2021 // by Sarah OlsonSuffolk District Attorney Rachael Rollins to drop charges, convictions in tens of thousands of cases tied to troubled state labRead More
Suffolk District Attorney Rachael Rollins looking into third chemist at state drug lab December 17, 2020 // by Sarah OlsonSuffolk District Attorney Rachael Rollins looking into third chemist at state drug labRead More
New development may throw thousands more drug lab cases into question July 14, 2020 // by Sarah OlsonNew development may throw thousands more drug lab cases into questionRead More
DA Rollins asks SJC to vacate 64 defendants’ guilty pleas in drug cases following Dookhan, Farak scandals May 11, 2020 // by Sarah OlsonDA Rollins asks SJC to vacate 64 defendants’ guilty pleas in drug cases following Dookhan, Farak scandalsRead More