Amanda W. Thompson has accepted a new role as Director of the North Carolina State Crime Laboratory.
Director Thompson has been with the crime laboratory since 2000. She was hired as a DNA Database Analyst and then promoted to a Forensic Scientist in the Forensic Biology Section where she served as a Forensic Serologist and Forensic DNA Analyst. She also served in the roles of Forensic Scientist Supervisor within the Forensic Biology Section over the DNA Database Unit and later was promoted to the Forensic Scientist Manager of the DNA Database Section.
In 2016, she accepted the role of Assistant Director over Administrative Operations for the laboratory system. She remained in this role for eight years until May of this year, when accepting the Director role.
She asks that you contact her with any questions. She is available via email at athompson@ncdoj.gov, or by office line at 919-582-8761.